“What Are We Denying Our Youth by Withholding SEL from Public Schools Academic Curriculums?”

Moxie Faye Morgan
2 min readMay 22, 2022


Educating Americas youth is a catalyst for creating productive citizens within our society, the academic system is concerned with the memorization and implementation of the core classic competencies of “reading. writing and arithmetic, History, Language, physical education, art, music, and derivates of those core subjects and all of those are required for our youth to attain their degree after attending 12 years of education, its legally required for able children in America to attend for approximately 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and 10 months a year, we have ample time to instill important knowledge instill curtail knowledge into our citizens, but are we really using that given time wisely and is the standard curriculum really enriching and equipping student with the hallmarks of an educated and productive citizens after all?

Emotional awareness and strength starts with emotional education

A healthy productive member of society is able to manage their emotions and regulate their behavior as not to offend our laws, and often when crimes are committed, they are crimes of passion, impulse, implying that due to mental instability or lack of emotional or behavioral regulation is a key factor in society’s dysfunction, if we were to use the opportunity we have to educate our children and make them aware of emotions, their effects on human behavior and how to properly utilize healthy emotional management teqniques or recognize unhealthy emotional expressional states for example, would we have a more well rounded educatoinal system and better equipped adults to lead fulfilling, successful lives?

There has been such a curriculum developed and has been suggested for implementation in regular American public school curriculums, it’s called Social and Emotional Learning,

Good news is we already have the answer

To better understand: “Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions” as described by The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) and I have to agree that this should be an essential part of today’s youths educational enrichment and it is baffling how we have managed to oversee such a fundamental element in the lives of every person and recognize the role it plays in our daily lives, that can be accomplished by the school system deeming it vital knowledge by including it in their curriculums nationwide.

This country is founded in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and we educate our members to do just that, and this could be pivotal in our evolution as a country and a species into a more aware, advanced, capable, and well-educated race. Strong happy humans is what we all want, right?



Moxie Faye Morgan

An unapologetic advocate of authenticity, in a life long love affair with words, self improvement junkie, entrepreneur & a proud mother of 3 kids & 3 dogs